Getting that sinking feeling: engineering geology in the Vale of York and Hannah Gow on September 24, 2018 eggs engineering geology Engineering Group of the Geological Society fieldtrip Geological Society Ripon sinkhole Vale of York +
Geochemistry for Sustainable Development: SEGH 2018, Olivier Humphrey on September 20, 2018 animal health Geochemistry for Sustainable Development human health iodine deficiency disorders plant health SEGH Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health +
Arrival of the last two core Magret Damaschke on September 12, 2018 #ukgeoenergyobs BGS estates Core Scanning Facility critical horizons Geotek MSCL-XYZ Itrax MC Scanner XRF +
Work Experience in the Stable Isotope Facility at Samantha Newman on September 10, 2018 geochemistry mass spectrometers Stable Isotope Facility stable isotopes students work experience +
DeepCHALLA goes to Nairobi, Kenya and….Lake Challa!…by Heather Moorhouse and Erin Martin-Jones on September 05, 2018 AFQUA climate change DeepCHALLA East African Rift Valley ecological change ecosystems Heather Moorhouse Quaternary University of Cambridge University of Lancaster +
Rock solid advice for geoscience PhD students…by Melanie J Leng and Anson Mackay on September 03, 2018 Anson Mackay data Melanie Leng PHD presentations student supervisors training work-life writing +