A potted history of geological survey in Northern Ireland...by Kirstin Lemon on December 29, 2017 #GSNI70 Ballycastle CAES coal mining Department for the Economy gold GSNI hydrogeology IRETHERM lignite mineral exploration Sperrin Mountains Tellus Tellus Border UNESCO Global Geoparks +
When did the “isotope” age of humans begin...by guest blogger Jonathan Dean on December 18, 2017 Anthropocene carbon isotopes Great Acceleration isotope geochemistry Jonathan Dean Melanie Leng nitrogen isotopes Stable Isotope Facility University of Hull +
A scenic tour of Scotland’s dynamic glacial history...by Romesh Palamakumbura on December 13, 2017 Ardersier cosmogenic dating Findhorn Valley geomorphology glacial geomorphology glacial landscapes glacial modelling glaciers glaciology GLWG Quaternary Research Association soft sediment structures +
Using fossilised algae to detect historical mega-droughts...by Heather Moorhouse on December 11, 2017 algae climate and ecosystem change DeepCHALLA diatoms Heather Moorhouse Lake Challa Lancaster University Stable Isotope Facility +
The First International Conference of the World Iodine Association…by Olivier Humphrey on December 08, 2017 biofortification Centre for Environmental Geochemistry human health IDD iodine deficiency disorders iodine geochemistry Pisa World Iodine Association +