
Learning geology and promoting BGS's OpenGeoscience at the OUGS Festival of Gemma Nash

Mud, mud and more mud: salt marsh sampling in Essex... by Helen Brooks

Pebbles, photography and... glycerine? The BGS through the eyes of a newbie... by Grace Davis

Rambling on the Rocks: Around Northern Ireland in 20 Kirstin Lemon

In a jam: the impact of geology on the Stonehenge tunnel Andy Farrant

Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry User Group (SIMSUG) Meeting…by Jack Lacey

Walk this way: the BGS through the eyes of a newbie... by Grace Davis

Fishy Laura Hubbard

Microscopes, Groundhogs and Tours: the BGS through the eyes of a Grace Davis

Touring America on the cheap – as told by a skint student! By Rob Smith