Geoscience Work Experience at the BGS…by Sixth Form students Will Atkin and Ellie Glover on August 28, 2015 angela lamb archaeology climate change forensic geology geochronology ice cores Melanie Leng oxygen isotopes Stable Isotope Facility teeth work experience +
Fieldwork to investigate human induced changes on important Asian wetlands…by Melanie Leng on August 23, 2015 lake sediments Malaysia Man and Biosphere Programme Melanie Leng palaeolimnology Tasik Chini UNESCO University of Nottingham water pollution wetlands +
Limnogeology and the biggest little city in the world…by Jack Lacey on August 20, 2015 Iimnology ILIC6 isotopes Jonathan Dean Lake Ohrid lake sediments Lake Tahoe limnogeology Melanie Leng SCOPSCO Tahoe Science Centre +
Planning the analysis of half a kilometre of African lake Jonathan Dean on August 09, 2015 Chew Bahir climate change Ethiopia Homo sapiens human evolution Jonathan Dean lake sediments University of Cologne +
Hidden landscapes in the city: the world of urban gardens and Jon Stubberfield on August 07, 2015 #IYS2015 allotment arsenic cadmium gardening health benefits Jon Stubberfield lead soil University of Nottingham urban garden +
Data4Sustain - a webGIS renewable energy feasibility tool funded by Innovate Darren Beriro on August 05, 2015 #renewable energy Darren Beriro Data4Sustain Innovate UK Land Quality Management Nottingham Energy Partnership Nottingham Geospatial Institute Positive Homes UK Soil Observatory webGIS +
Future visions for water and Stephanie Bricker on August 05, 2015 Chris Rogers EU COST Sub-Urban Action planning RCUK Stephanie Bricker subsurface Thames Water UK Water Partnership underground infrastructure University of Birmingham +
Combatting malnutrition in sub-Saharan Grace Manzeke on August 03, 2015 #IYS2015 Africa Joint Centre for Environmental Geochemistry Soil Fertility Consortium for Southern Africa University of Nottingham University of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe +