BGS thin sections: 150,000th image taken! by Isla Simmons on December 13, 2012 collection England. Wales images macro petrography petrology photography Scotland sliced rock thin section +
Earthquake Risk Reduction in Bangladesh by Dr Susanne Sargeant on December 12, 2012 bangladesh earthquake earthquakes GfGD IRC risk susanne sargeant vulnerability +
Crowdsource mapping for disaster management by Dr Charlotte Vye-Brown on December 12, 2012 #citizenscience Charlotte Vye-Brown citizen science crowd sourcing meeting volcanology +
Core sampling in Windermere - meccano, cheese wires and liquid nitrogen on December 10, 2012 carol cotterill core coring fieldtrips lake windermere loanhead marine white ribbon +
Cores to Climate – Do our lakes hold a clue to the past? by Dr Carol Cotterill on December 05, 2012 core coring fieldtrips lake windermere loanhead marine white ribbon +
Flashbacks to Iceland - visit our YouTube Channel on December 02, 2012 fieldtrips Iceland jez everest video youtube +
Staff raise thousands for Framework charity on November 30, 2012 billys basement bakers charity extracurricular framework mike patterson +
Photos from the Archives… The Geologists' Association 'Carreck Archive' on November 27, 2012 archives fieldtrips photos +