Week 3: Confessions of a Newbie Drill Coordinator...by Dr Jez Everest

21 April 2016 

A happy Jez!
Well, that's it, I'm off. I did my last shift yesterday, or at least the first hour or so, and then handed over to Connor, my replacement who had just arrived from the UK at 3am. I did feel a wee bit sorry for him. He looked shattered, jet-lagged and a bit over-awed, and was definitely landing in the deep end. When I think back to how I felt arriving on the Myrtle for the first time, when nothing was actually happening, I realise just how nervous I was about messing stuff up. Connor took over my shift just as we were starting to trip pipe in to start collecting rock cores for the first time... This is the tricky bit, and the real reason we are here.

The last few days have been pretty tough for everyone. For various reasons progress hasn't been as fast as we hoped, hence only starting to core yesterday. The drillers have put in superhuman efforts of stamina and Chris D in particular has dedicated all his time to making sure things are working properly.... Hence the photos of very tired and mucky people. 

Drilling is mucky and tiring work. Some of the drillers from L-R: Rich, Mike, Chris D and Will. 
View of the L/B Myrtle.
As my first experience of an offshore drilling expedition, this has been awesome. Seeing a team gel around each other, seeing the encouragement everyone gives, and the combined will to make it all work has been inspiring. It's a massive operation in terms of logistics, equipment, people management and objectives. Hats off to all have been involved.

My memories will be of the people, and the fun I've had with them. I hope you've been able to get a glimpse of all that through my tired and heat-addled ramblings here. You can follow progress through the ESO-Outreach Facebook page here or on the ESO blog page here 

Meanwhile I have my first beer in 3 weeks waiting for me at the hotel bar.

You can read Jez's first two blogs about his experience aboard the Myrtle here (Week 1 & Week 2). 
