Some twenty-five BGS information layers, including the onshore Digital Geological Map of Great Britain at 1:50 000 scale, are part of ninety-nine new Web Map Service (WMS - wiki link!) layers just released on Scotland's Environment Web portal.
This further collaboration between BGS and Scotland's Environment Web is a significant step in the continuing drive for open access delivery of information to support successful management and understanding of our natural environment. The BGS already delivers huge amounts of information openly through our own OpenGeoscience portal and the Geology of Britain Viewer - but the true power comes from seeing it alongside major environmental WMS layers from many other providers.
The aims of Scotland's Environment Web include a description of the ‘state of Scotland’s environment’, presentation of the most relevant and up-to-date information to support it, and help for the wider public to understand and engage with their environment. The latter includes the ‘Get Involved’ initiative which supports networks of citizen science projects. So Scotland's Environment Web provides organisations such the BGS with an opportunity to see our information used actively in ways that really matter for the environment.
This further collaboration between BGS and Scotland's Environment Web is a significant step in the continuing drive for open access delivery of information to support successful management and understanding of our natural environment. The BGS already delivers huge amounts of information openly through our own OpenGeoscience portal and the Geology of Britain Viewer - but the true power comes from seeing it alongside major environmental WMS layers from many other providers.
Scotland's Environment Web is a major European Life+ project managed by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and its partners, which aims to bring together information on Scotland’s environment in one place. The BGS is a partner in Scotland's Environment Web, along with all the key organisations across Scotland which hold data relevant to the environment (including but not limited to SEPA, Scottish Natural Heritage, Forestry Commission Scotland, Scottish Government and Local Authorities, NGOs, Marine Scotland, Universities, NHS, Historic Scotland, the Met Office and Scottish Environment LINK).
Now available on BGS website : Geology of Britain mobile! |
The aims of Scotland's Environment Web include a description of the ‘state of Scotland’s environment’, presentation of the most relevant and up-to-date information to support it, and help for the wider public to understand and engage with their environment. The latter includes the ‘Get Involved’ initiative which supports networks of citizen science projects. So Scotland's Environment Web provides organisations such the BGS with an opportunity to see our information used actively in ways that really matter for the environment.
By Keith Westhead – BGS Marine & Coastal Geologist, Digital Publishing, and Member of the Scotland's Environment Web Management Board